Personal Passiones

Personal Passiones

lunes, 12 de febrero de 2024

Moving path

 If you go, I won't stay

If you leave, I can't wait

Cause', if you are here with me, I'll stay, I promise.

But if you walk away, Is not that I want to go away too, or not want to wait for you. Is Just that I move on fast, I have tons of reasons to keep moving on, a lot of things to do, so much adventures I crave to live, so many places to see, and stories to create... With or without someone. And I find so many people in my path, and do so many things, that if you are thinking to come back, not even jocking, I wont be there anymore, long time before that.

Is not revenge, is almost as if I don't notice that when I turn back Im way far away, so many nights from where you must of left me.

Is my nature, I am like this.

Thats why you wanted me. And that's why you left

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