Personal Passiones

Personal Passiones

sábado, 13 de enero de 2018

"Goodbye" is the saddest word I know.

As I have grown, I realized that I don´t wanna be the girl that has to fill the silence, or the one with the loudest laughter if I'm not genuine happy. Everybody says that the adolescence is hard, or that the world is actually very cruel, or that the people we love tend to hurt us the worst than the people we are scared of. As we go through the path of life, and win years of experience here on earth, we get to understand that being alive is difficult sometimes, even breathing is hurtful, just at times; of course we have some moments that makes us think, oh, life can be nice and pretty, but just sometimes, it depends on how you look at it. We meet human beings that are a salvation, like angels, but then there are times that is too late that we get to realize that Satan was God's favorite angel, and we face this feeling called 'betrayal'. We are sometimes knowing that type of man and women, they are not precisely angels, but thats okey, because even with flaws, they are some magical creatures that understands you, and care about you, and you care about them, but then life goes 'oh, your road is not to ride it with them, let's give you some different path than theirs', and changes everyting to you, life's a bitch. But you got nothing else... than accept it, and wish them well, that hopefully they have this amazing life because you know they very well deserve it. Other people tell's you... 'man, that's life, deal with it'. But if you're a nature born rebel like I am, you refuse to deal with it, because you don't want to accept life it is. And you try to fight, most, with defeat, and then you get tired, and move on, different place. There's a deep sentence I love, it's from Voltaire, and it's like a comfort for me when I think about it, (I'll get it tattooed on me soon) wich is... "Wherever my travels may lead, paradise is where I am". No matter when, where, or how, if I'm there, it will be an adventure, I'll make it an adventure, and I'll get to meet new cool people, may be bad people too but I'll be careful, and try to live like I have this twenty three years I have on this earth, then... I don't know. Enjoy.

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